
Brand name: Valtrex


Antiviral Drug
Brands: Valtrex
Availability: Prescription needed
Pregnancy: No pregnancy risks
Alcohol: Interactions can occur
Side Effects: Light-colored Stools, Flu-like Symptoms, Change In Consciousness
Interactions: Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), Adderall (amphetamine / Dextroamphetamine), Tramadol
For informational purposes only. Consult your local medical authority for advice.

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VALACYCLOVIR is an antiviral agent. It is used to treat herpes zoster (shingles), genital herpes and cold sores. Valtrex is not a cure. It will help the sores heal faster. It can also be used to suppress genital herpes . Valtrex, in combination with safer sex practices, may reduce the risk of spreading herpes , but even with therapy, it is still possible to pass herpes on to your partner.

Valtrex may be used for other purposes; ask your health care provider or pharmacist if you have questions.

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